Mount Kenya is the less climbed cousin of Mount Kilimanjaro nearby in Tanzania, however many people prefer the wilderness, abundant wildlife, and stunning mountain lakes that you find on Mount Kenya. Point Lenana at 4985m meters is a feasible trekking peak and also currently the world's highest via Ferrata summit route, which adds to the challenge and enjoyment. The panoramic views of the jagged volcanic peaks, wide valleys and surrounding savannah makes a trek on this mountain a thoroughly enjoyable African experience.


This adventure Hiking offers you a day out outside Nairobi where you enjoy the walk, hike, view of the great rift valley, wildlife, birds, and Lunch at the sea lake of Naivasha. Walks are through a National Park containing herds of Zebras, Kongoni, Giraffe, and warthogs. The variety of bird life is something you can't miss.


Mt. Suswa is one of the most spectacular mountains of the Rift Valley as it comprises a 12 km across double crater system, a vast network of obsidian caves and a variety of wild animals and plants. It is famed for the many caves on its E slopes. All are easy to access, none are too long or complex and no special gear or knowledge is required to explore these systems.


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